A practical and condensed MBA for changing times

A non-accredited professional development program, the mini MBA provides a helicopter view or snapshot of key Master of Business Administration learnings.  

The MBA has an iconic brand that is typically associated with people from private, for profit organisations. In reality the learnings from this program are equally relevant to those from State and Local Government. The content has been tailored to align to the unique challenges faced by public sector organisations whilst being true to the integrity of typical MBA content.

Course Overview

Participants who will benefit most will be from executive and general management levels, high potentials, and those aspiring to take a leadership role in the future.

Professional development at this level requires participants to understand complexity, and to analyse, synthesise and interpret information, before applying the knowledge and expertise to their real world circumstances.

But not everyone is able to commit to several years of study to achieve the formal qualification. They want to start their journey and begin the in-depth process of acquiring the traits of leaders they admire.

The AIM WA mini MBA for State and Local Government is designed specifically to meet these needs in Public sector organisations.

  • Strategy

    - Determine why and how strategy is developed in organisations

    - Review the steps for developing a strategy that can respond to changes in the external environment

    - Apply this knowledge to relevant case studies and their own organisation

    - Consider the implications of their organisation’s strategy on their own role as a business unit leader.

  • Finance

    - Learn the language of finance

    - Determine the essential financial knowledge required of all senior leaders

    - Consider the financial implications of strategic challenges faced by several high profile organisations

    - Consider what questions they might ask of their own finance department in order to make better decisions.

  • Operations

    - Examine existing systems and processes in their workplaces

    - Evaluate two or three quality assurance models for operational excellence

    - Unpack the pre-conditions for operational excellence and implementing change in workplaces

    - Discuss the implementation of the Australian Business Excellence Framework in workplaces.

  • People

    - Explore what it means to be a leader of a contemporary organisation

    - Discuss how the concept of a leader as coach can be implemented

    - Examine how leaders can foster a culture of innovation whilst still driving performance and accountability

    - Consider the implications of this new style of leadership on how they might change their own style.

Course outcomes

Participants should be able to:

Apply high level decision analysis and judgement to complex organisational issues

Adapt a strategy framework to their own organisation

Identify relevant operational drivers, financial controls and accountabilities

Select the right questions to ask about the financial performance of their organisation

Unpack a range of business excellence and quality frameworks

Understand the subtleties of organisational change and the pre-conditions for success

Gain greater awareness of their leadership style through a diagnostic survey

Apply appropriate techniques for getting the best from their people

Prepare a professional development plan via one-on-one coaching.

Who Will Benefit

The mini MBA is ideal for self-motivated leaders and managers who want to take their career to the next level.  

The content has been designed for those looking for immediate results, and don’t want to invest the time needed for a traditional MBA.

Course structure

WEEK 1 | Strategy

- On-demand pre-reading | Strategy
- 90 minute live-streamed seminar
- Strategy

WEEK 2 | Strategy & Finance

Part 1

- On-demand pre-reading | Financial Analysis
- 90 minute live-streamed seminar
- Strategy
- Financial Framework

Part 2

- 90 minute live-streamed seminar
- Financial drivers
- Breakeven analysis

WEEK 3 | Operations

- On Demand pre- reading | Operational Improvement
- 90 min Live Stream Seminar
- Business Excellence Frameworks- Systems & Processes

WEEK 4 | Operations & People

- On demand pre-reading | People
- 90 min Live Stream Seminar
- Driving Change- Self-Awareness Diagnostic

WEEK 5 | People

- 90 min Live Stream Seminar
- Leading Others
- Developing a Growth Mindset